DNA is a discipleship group relationship with the explicit purpose of being disciple-makers through studying, meditating on, and keeping the commandments of Jesus. A healthy, personal spiritual life and relationship with Christ is the highest priority and leads to a healthy growing DNA. My personal relationship with Christ impacts the DNA. Likewise, the DNA impacts my personal relationship with Christ. The foundation of healthy DNAs is a personal, healthy, daily relationship with Christ.

What DNA is:

  • A process developed to facilitate obeying and keeping the Great Commission to disciple the nations by keeping all that Jesus commanded us, His disciples.

  • Life on life – Relationships of Christ-filled disciples to help one another become more like Jesus and follow Him

  • Mutual edification and sharing of insights

  • Nurturing relationships where Christ is expressed and personal care takes place

  • All participating, interacting

  • We are all disciples of Jesus together

  • Honesty, transparency, trust, confidentiality (what is shared here, stays here)

  • Accountability for observing, obeying, and keeping the commands

  • Structured focus AND freedom for the Holy Spirit to speak and move

  • Small – ideally 2 to 4 people; multiply if gets over 4

  • Can meet anywhere that enables honest and open sharing – a home, restaurant, park, etc.

  • Easily reproducible, yet unique to each context and according to the individual members

  • Building block of a healthy church (gathering of the ekklesia, the called-out ones)

  • A part of a network of disciple-makers and a network of communication

What DNA is NOT:

  • A curriculum, class, or teacher instructing pupils (me telling you/ them; or you telling me/us);

  • A rigid, inflexible plan or agenda that must be followed

  • Identical groups that are duplicated or copied everywhere

  • An authority structure or hierarchy of “discipler” over “disciplee”

  • A “pyramid” scheme under any one person’s authority (only under Jesus’ authority)

  • Chatting and talking about other things (that is fellowship but not discipleship)

  • One person doing all the talking

  • A Bible study or book study that focuses on knowledge

  • “Everything is fine and I am blessed” attitude

  • A large group fellowship or study

  • A personal group that remains the same for years

Jesus commanded us to make disciples, teaching them to obey all His commands. To make disciples, we must first BE disciples ourselves. DNA is a strategy to help us be spiritually stronger, diligently focused on learning Jesus’ teachings, and faithfully obedient to follow His commands.

It Starts with ME AND JESUS

Participants in DNA are first and foremost focused on their personal relationship with Jesus, understanding that consistent, daily time spent with Him in His Word is a vital necessity for our spiritual survival. Doesn’t matter what you call it – just spend quality time EVERY DAY with Jesus and His Word.

What it is:

  • Private in a secret place, Jesus and you together

  • Daily time set aside and devoted to focusing on Jesus and His word

  • Focused without distractions

  • A spiritual activity from the heart and spirit

  • The highest priority

  • Flexible, dynamic, alive, spontaneous

  • Worship, prayer

  • Listening and speaking, a dialog between Jesus and you

  • Asking, seeking, knocking

  • A love relationship between Jesus and His closest friend – you!


  • Spending time with Jesus is my highest priority

  • If I do not make time, I will not have time

  • If I am too busy to spend time with Jesus consistently and daily, I am too busy

  • I will give Jesus my best time – whenever that is for me

  • I will do whatever He says, without questioning or hesitating

  • I need the Holy Spirit’s help to be able to understand with my spirit, not just with my human mind

  • I will be still and listen and be attentive to His voice and His prompting

  • I will worship God in spirit and in truth

What it is NOT:

  • Optional or occasionally

  • A Bible “study”

  • Simply mental or intellectual activity

  • Rigid, static, boring, routine

  • A set length of time or time of day or just one place

  • An item on a to-do list

Following are suggestions for things you can do in your personal time with Jesus. They are not intended to be rules, items to check off, or steps to follow in a program. They are principles and suggestions that will enable you to be a disciple who truly worships God, does the word, and keeps the command, not simply a hearer or a collector of intellectual knowledge.


  • Worship does not mean “music” – it is a bowing down before God, acknowledging Him as your highest, most worthy Sovereign and King

  • Physically bowing down (not music) is the most common form of worship in the Old and New Testaments

  • Be still before the Most High King of Kings and set your heart and mind on Him

  • Ask the Holy Spirit to prepare your heart and mind to hear and receive His Word that day

The Command

  • Read the command in its context. Read before and after as far as needed to grasp the situation – who is Jesus talking to, who else is there, who is not there, what is the situation,

  • Practice saying and writing it so that you have it memorized and can say it. Some people like to use a familiar tune or rhythm. Be prepared to recite it when you meet with your DNA partners

  • Study the key words, especially the command verbs

  • If the command is also in other Gospels, read those passages to get additional insights into the situation and context

  • Read other Bible versions of the command to get some additional insights and nuances

  • Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal to you what He wants you to do in response to the command and how to keep it at this time

  • Use the questions and Steps that are included with the commands and stories as a way to dig deeper.

  • Ask the Holy Spirit to show what He wants you to focus on that day in your quiet personal time

  • Keep a journal and write down your insights, what you need to do to observe and keep the command


  • Read the story in one sitting

  • Get the context – read before and after to figure out who the key people are and what is happening

  • Practice telling it so that you will be comfortable – and be ready to tell it when you meet with your DNA partners

  • Write out the main points or outline the story

  • Meditate on how the command and story relate to one another

Looking Upward – focus on Jesus, worship, love, dependence, abiding in Him

Looking Inward – listen to what the Holy Spirit wants to say or do in you – your heart, your mind, your focus. Repent when He speaks and pinpoints specific areas.

Looking Outward – what does He want you to say or do outside the quiet place? In your DNA? In the ekklesia gathering? To your neighbor (in the Biblical sense, not just the people who live near you), family, coworkers, friends?

Resources for study:

  • – can help for word studies on the original Greek, other versions

  • YouVersion Bible App - can help with scripture reading, studies, and Bible translations

  • Commentaries – may help with cultural context or difficult passages, but do not rely on them for your understanding. The Holy Spirit is our Teacher and He will lead us into truth.